Anything can be missed out except online dating! Do you agree?
While using an online dating service on a website or application, it usually occurs that your online dating profile can be directly linked with some accounts like Google or Facebook. For example, as you try to create an account on Tinder, the following options will be available.

Perhaps linking your online dating profile to Facebook is easy and convenient for you to create an account on a new website or application but it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to do that.
Why Facebook linking is always an option as you create an account on an online dating site or app?
Apart from Tinder, Facebook linking is always an option for you if you try to sign up for a new account on an online dating service like Bumble, Happn, Match, etc. Why is it so common?
To verify a real person
There’s no doubt that Facebook is such a huge tech giant that it’s been used by people from all over the world. As a leading social media platform, Facebook has been attracting users around the world to talk and meet their friends online and share and record their stories via the Internet. To some extent, a Facebook user is regarded as a real person by default because his or her social contacts are also on it, too. Therefore, a Facebook user is usually labeled as “real and reliable” and some apps even will reject a user’s registration request if he or she has Facebook contacts fewer than 50 because the Facebook account will be possibly regarded as a fake one.
It sometimes occurs that some people don’t use their own pictures in their online dating profiles. But it doesn’t matter when their profiles are linked to their Facebook because their Facebook account picture will be automatically shown in their online dating profile so that the person will be identified.
To accelerate and simplify the signing up process
As an online dating profile gets linked with a Facebook account while signing up, the process will be simplified and accelerated. Users don’t need to fill in their basic information again and again on different online dating sites or apps.
To meet Facebook friends
Not only you, but nearly all your friends are also using it. As you link your online dating profile to Facebook, you’ll possibly meet your friends on the online dating sites or apps as long as they are using them. When it comes to product logic design, Facebook linking leads to more users brought by its current users, which is such a deal.
Disadvantages of linking online dating profile to Facebook
It’s not a good idea to get an online dating profile linked to Facebook because of the following reasons:
Online dating services may have access to your personal information.
Once your online dating service gets linked with your Facebook, your personal information will be possibly exposed to all online dating service users, including your real name, home address, phone number, email address, or even bank account information. Based on the comment from Lara I Lord, a dating profile is an introduction, not an invitation to do full background checks or anything else.
It’s awkward to meet family or friends on online dating sites or apps.
With your online dating profile linked with Facebook, it’s dramatically possible you would meet family or friends when you use the online dating service since all the contacts are shared by Facebook and the online dating service. As a matter of fact, do you expect to meet family or friends while online dating? Isn’t it awkward? Most people don’t expect to meet family or friends while online dating. Some even don’t use their personal phone numbers to register for online dating accounts to avoid coming across family or friends through online dating.
Privacy always goes first.
As is aforementioned, Facebook is usually used to verify a real person, meaning that your personal information will be accessible as soon as your Facebook account gets connected with online dating accounts. Your privacy always goes first on the Internet. Online dating can be risky if you abandon your awareness of online security and privacy. With your online dating profile linked to Facebook, your identity will be fully exposed to everyone using the online dating service, including scammers and hackers. It’s essentially important to protect your privacy forever.
Bottom line
- Following the other’s Facebook or not is your call but positively sharing your Facebook lets you fall into the risk zone.
- Although Facebook is usually used to verify a real person, not all Facebook accounts are “real”.
- Linking your online dating profile to Facebook possibly exposes your identity to the Internet and your privacy should be well protected.